Last Thursday, I went to Christchurch as part of my new year resolve to get out and about at least once a week. I had lunch in the Costa coffee shop because it was buzzing with people whereas most of the others were very quiet. I picked up a newspaper, which many bars now provide. A little old lady came and sat with me and we chatted until I felt that I needed to go to make room for people who were still eating. The cold snap we've been having lately was on hold and I enjoyed a pleasant walk down to Christchurch Quay; apart from the bare trees, it could have been a summer's day. I had hoped there would be an organ recital in the Priory but there was a funeral taking place in the Lady Chapel. Click on photographs to enlarge.

Very nice pictures. But one piece of advice - do not give such high resolution pictures on your blog if you want not to be plagiarised.
I loved the picture that gives a wide view of the entire setting. But you missed some great shots. You had frames spread all over and had brilliant opportunities. I believe you had used them and have an album full of them. If you have not noticed those frames, you have missed a lot. I tried to bring out a few frames from your picture. If you want I may e-mail the frames that I extracted. You might like them.
I don't profess to be a photographer. I was looking for shots that included water (for use as header on my watermaid blog) and where the sun was in the right direction. I do have more photographs, from which these are a selection, but not an album full. I would be interested to see what you have extracted.
So what is your e-mail ID? I do hope you wouldn't consider me intrusive. In fact the picture that you have taken is a wonderful one and I have it as my wallpaper. What I meant was that there are many frames in your picture which would have been great frames by themselves. This only goes to say that your picture is so good. My e-mail ID is: il_penseroso@rediffmail.com
In case you do not want to make your e-mail public, you may e-mail me.
Very nice pictures. Loved it all. BTW its a nice resolution to go out every week.
Jeeves, today I went to London on the train, and forgot to take my camera! I went to a matinee performance of by the actor, Stephen Dillane, of T.S.Eliot's 'Four Quartet' followed by members of the Phiharmonia orchestra playing the Beethoven musical quartet that inspired the poems. I will take my camera next time I go to London.
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