Monday, February 02, 2009

It's really snowed in the New Forest

It started to snow yesterday afternoon...a few desultory flakes drifted past my window. This morning i was surprised , on drawing the curtains, to find that it had stuck. It's snowing now but it's turning to sleet. I decided to have a walk before the light failed and the snow disappeared.


Kamsin said...

It doesn't look like there was that much snow in the NF, but snow it certainly was! I'm not sad to have missed it!

carole said...

It's pretty though. We had more snow yesterday but the rain came and washed it away. many parts of the country, however, are struggling.

carole said...
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Gel said...

Very pretty
(glad I reread that other profile to find this blog!)

Subhanjan said...

I have never seen snowfall in my life. For a people like us staying in the temperate regions, you have no idea of what a dream it is to us to see snowfall. We grow old and die with that dream.

Jan said...

Nice to be back and the New Forest looks fabulous!